
6023 Registered Allowed team size: 1 - 7
6023 Registered Allowed team size: 1 - 7

This campaign is over.

Idea Submission Phase
starts on:
Jun 09, 2022, 05:00 AM UTC (UTC)
ends on:
Aug 08, 2022, 04:59 AM UTC (UTC)
Project Submission phase
starts on:
Aug 18, 2022, 03:00 AM UTC (UTC)
ends on:
Sep 21, 2022, 07:14 PM UTC (UTC)

Submission Details

Stage 1: Idea Submission

Submission Requirements

  • Short written description (250 words) of the project
    • What problem is it solving for people and your community? For whom specifically?
  • Pitch Deck
    • Format: Pitch deck (as PDF, PPT, KEY, or G Slides)
    • Pitch must cover:
      • Problem space / Topic are addressed?
      • How you got to your solution
      • What problem is it solving for people and community, for whom specifically?
      • Evidence from target users that this is a valuable solution to them.
      • Which chain/chains you’re building on and why.
      • Potential negative environmental or social impact & mitigation strategies
      • What are the possible unintended consequences of your project?
      • The team (list each member, responsibility area, background experience), and list the types of team members you will need for stage 2 (eg specific skills or experience)

Stage 2: Prototyping Submission

Submission Requirements 

  • Short Written Description
    • What problem is it solving for people and your community? For whom specifically?
  • Recorded Pitch (refined from the stage 1 proposal)
    • Length: <6 minutes
    • Format:
      • Recorded video of the pitch
      • Pitch deck (as PDF, PPT, KEY or G Slides)
    • Pitch Must Cover:
      • Problem space / Topic are addressed?
      • How you got to your solution
      • What problem is it solving for people and community, and for whom specifically?
      • Evidence from target users that this is a valuable solution to them.
      • Challenges of building the MVP
      • Potential negative environmental or social impact & mitigation strategies
      • What are the possible unintended consequences of your project?
      • What is your business model? How will this make money? Be specific.
      • The team (list each member, responsibility area, and background experience), and list the types of teams members you will need to turn the MVP into a working product (eg specific skills or experience)
  • Video demo of the working MVP
  • Github Repo

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