
6023 Registered Allowed team size: 1 - 7
6023 Registered Allowed team size: 1 - 7

This campaign is over.

Idea Submission Phase
starts on:
Jun 09, 2022, 05:00 AM UTC (UTC)
ends on:
Aug 08, 2022, 04:59 AM UTC (UTC)
Project Submission phase
starts on:
Aug 18, 2022, 03:00 AM UTC (UTC)
ends on:
Sep 21, 2022, 07:14 PM UTC (UTC)


Web3athon 2022 | Winners

Thank you all for all your hard work. We are delighted to announce the Web3athon Winners!

Link to this page: **https://bit.ly/web3athon22winners**

There are a total of 32 winners on 13 chains.

Below is a list of the chain and prize level the project team placed.

Web3athon Standouts

CRADL and CoinDesk created a category called Web3athon Standouts. We selected the top 15 projects based on submissions and judging feedback.  We wanted to highlight projects that truly hit on all the Web3athon requirements and blew the judges away, but may not have made it as a winner due to the high degree of competitiveness of some chains.


  • I’m a winner — now what?

    Sponsors will be reaching out to the team lead directly to get your wallet information. HackerEarth is not involved in distributing funds, either to the team leader, or dividing the funds among attendees.

  • I’m not a winner — now what?

    Thank you so much for participating in Web3athon! Check the list to see what other opportunities for funding your sponsors have.

    Other than that, keep checking the HackerEarth website for more hackathon opportunities in the future! And stay tuned to learn about Web3athon 2023.

  • Why do some sponsors have fewer than three prizes?

    Some sponsors had more eligible submissions than others. Not all sponsors received 3 eligible submissions. Submissions that did not meet the submission guidelines were not eligible to win.

  • I have questions, where should I go?

    Create a ticket in the #create-ticket channel in Discord. The HackerEarth team will respond to you shortly!

  • Where are my other special prizes ($DESK, T-shirt, etc.)

    You should have already received your $DESK. If you didn’t, create a ticket. $DESK was only issued for participating in the workshops in July, you have already received an email if you were eligible to receive $DESK.

    HackerEarth will reach out to folks who won other special prizes directly via email.

  • What is a Web3athon Standout?

    CRADL and CoinDesk created a category called Web3athon Standouts. We selected the top 15 projects based on submissions and judging feedback. We wanted to highlight projects that truly hit on all the Web3athon requirements and blew the judges away, but may not have made it as a winner due to the high degree of competitiveness of some chains.


How it works  

Web3athon has two stages. In Stage 1: Join, you’ll dive deep into research to understand how our hyperlocal themes impact your communities. In Stage 2: Prototype, a select set of groups will receive hands-on support from the chains to turn their vision into reality.

  • Stage 1 - Join
    • June 9 – 11  Join us at Consensus online or in Austin, Texas
    • June 12 - August 7 Imagine your hyperlocal solution
    • August 7 Submit ideas for Judging
  • Stage 2 - Prototype
    • August 17 Shortlist Announced
    • August 17 - September 19  Make it real
    • September 20 - Submit your Build by 1:29 pm CT on Tuesday September 20th.

What do you submit in each stage?

STAGE ONE Explore the 5 Web3athon challenges, research ideas, and submit an idea that responds to one of the challenges and will use one of the sponsor’s technologies. 

STAGE TWO - Find out which of your ideas have been shortlisted, and use that sponsor’s technology to build out your MVP.

How should you allocate your time?

Communication with your team 75% of your time Most of your time should be spent working with your team to brainstorm ideas and refine your solution through whatever channels make the most sense for you.



10% of your time Check the Discord 3x/week. This is the place to talk to other attendees, find team members, learn any updates on what's happening throughout the rest of Web3athon, and get in touch with the Web3athon staff if you have any questions.
Web3athon Resources Notion 10% of your time This is where you will find the answer to every single question you have. Resources like challenge briefs, timelines, submission requirements, FAQs, and more all live here. Check this page on an as-needed basis. We'll be telling you when we add new resources.
HackerEarth (This Page) 5% of your time Nuts and bolts of the hackathon like formally registering your team formation and submitting your project submission. You only need to be on here to register for the Web3athon, register your team, submit your idea, and check if you shortlisted.
Web3athon Feedback Form

as needed smile

we're always happy to hear from you

This form is for anyone to provide feedback about the Web3athon experience. We really do read each message written by a real human being!


CoinDesk is the most influential, trusted information platform for a global community engaged in the transformation of the financial system and the emerging crypto economy. CoinDesk’s annual festival, Consensus, is the most influential crypto and blockchain experience of the year since 2015.

Youtube  |  Twitter  |  Linkedin

  Crypto Research and Design Lab (CRADL)

Launched in January 2022, The Crypto Research and Design Lab (CRADL)’s vision is to put people at the center of crypto. Its mission is to use evidence-based thought leadership to accelerate the crypto industry toward its goal of creating a more equitable, inclusive society. We are partnered with The World Economic Forum’s CISA (Crypto Sustainability Accelerator). 


City of Austin City of Austin

In line with the hyperlocal theme, Web3athon is leaning into the fact that Consensus is taking place in Austin, Texas. Austin’s Office of Innovation will be providing links to local datasets that local teams can use directly, and remote teams can use as inspiration for finding useful data in their own cities. 

Website | Facebook


Turnkey partner to execute hackathons, committed to bringing in Web2.0 developers into Web3.0. 


Each Web3athon theme is a universally global issue without easy solutions, yet are locally felt. Your submission will respond to any of these hyperlocal challenges, but each sponsor will be shortlisting submissions 

You can view additional resources regarding each theme including special programming, reading lists, and example projects on the Web3athon Resources Microsite.


Generational Wealth Building

Property Ownership • Land Titles and Trusts • Overcoming Debt • Proof of Land Ownership • Gentrification

Financial Health

Financial Access to Loans • Savings • Living Wages • Banking • How People Transact with the Disappearance of Cash

Disaster Relief and Response

Liquidity management • Displacement • Resettlement, Human Rights Abuse Documentation, Digital Identity, Emergency Response Management

Environmental Well-Being

Pollution-Related Health Issues • Local Monitoring • Sensors • Clean Water Access • Electricity Grid, Solar Power • Mining

Sustainable Communities and Culture

Sustaining Small Business • Arts in Economic Development • Intellectual Property for Creatives • Livable Wages • Cultural Heritage Preservation

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Help & Support

Please contact event admin
Cathy Mulligan at cathy.mulligan@weforum.org
View All Notifications
